At KR Wolfe Inc., we’re proud to honor our 2024 Employees of the Year, whose exceptional dedication, hard work, and outstanding customer service directly impact the success of the projects we complete for our clients. These remarkable individuals not only contribute to the growth and success of KR Wolfe but also ensure that our customers consistently receive top-tier service, […]
Hiring a labor subcontractor can offer numerous benefits to businesses across various industries. Review these five key benefits to outsourcing on your next project: Specialized Expertise: Labor subcontractors often bring specialized skills and knowledge that might not be available in-house. This can be particularly valuable for tasks requiring specific technical expertise or
Hospital operating rooms host the medical world’s most challenging, delicate and life-changing procedures. To ensure the highest levels of care and best possible patient outcomes, hospital ORs must be equipped with the latest, most technologically advanced equipment, lighting and IT systems. Periodically updating and renovating hospital ORs, much like the surgeries that take […]
The Stanford project goes beyond the norm of a OR renovation here at KR Wolfe. These Cath Labs and Hybrid rooms are extremely complex for our installation team and require the most experienced specialists. There are more sources, displays, and devices in Cath Lab/Hybrid rooms than any other type of room we do. Not only is the equipment highly sophisticated, these rooms are […]
KR Wolfe is at the forefront of New York’s newest children’s hospital and inpatient pavilion unveiling June 24th! We onboarded this project back in January 2017 and will be completing the installation for a total of 34 operating rooms this upcoming August. Initially, KR Wolfe met Reagan Stuann, Digital OR Marketing Manager of Brainlab in May of 2016, and was given this […]