Category: Integration

KR Wolfe Inc. Celebrates Our 2024 Employees of the Year -A Team That Delivers Excellence to Our Customers

KR Wolfe Inc. Celebrates Our 2024 Employees of the Year -A Team That Delivers Excellence to Our Customers

At KR Wolfe Inc., we’re proud to honor our 2024 Employees of the Year, whose exceptional dedication, hard work, and outstanding customer service directly impact the success of the projects we complete for our clients. These remarkable individuals not only contribute to the growth and success of KR Wolfe but also ensure that our customers consistently receive top-tier service, […]
KR Wolfe Installs Sony Medical Pilot Program for Patient Vital Monitoring

KR Wolfe Installs Sony Medical Pilot Program for Patient Vital Monitoring

Caring for patients is a tough job, ask any nurse. Even harder is monitoring your patient’s well being while not in their room. Throw in multiple patients across multiple rooms and the task continues to get harder. Luckily for hospital staff, technology continues to improve allowing for advanced remote monitoring. One company on the forefront of this technology is Sony […]